Saturday, September 4, 2010

What kind of hits? THE hits.

January 4, 2008

I felt like memorializing my thoughts on the
top 10 songs I added to my musical library in 2007. Here they are, in order, with the caveat that I could only add one song per artist...otherwise the entire list might've been taken up by KOL, Mute Math, and Spoon (my three favorite albums of 2007)...

10. "The Con"
Tegan and Sara
My favorite Canadian lesbian twin sister indie rock duo, hands down. Apparently they basically provided the entire soundtrack to Grey's Anatomy before the writer's strike happened…I wouldn't know. But I can see a song like this blasting over an over-the-top emotional montage of people breaking up or cheating on their significant others or something. If that doesn't make for a good tune, I'm not sure what does.
Bonus points: "Encircle me, I need, to be, taken DOWN!"

9. "Weird Fishes/Arpeggi"
In Rainbows was maybe the surprise of the year for me. I'm hardly a huge Radiohead fan, so the last thing I would have expected from them at this point in their career was a totally listenable and easily accessible album. I supp
ose this implies some simplicity on my part as a listener, but either way, In Rainbows was almost instantly a golden addition to the library in 2007. "Weird Fishes" is apparently a love song, also a bit of a surprise. Regardless, I dig this song's beat and repetitive guitar licks.
Bonus points: I paid £0.00 for this album. That was pretty fun.

8. "Sign of Life"

(Album: Flight of the Flynns)
These dudes are from Stillwater, Oklahoma...home of Oklahoma State University...home of head football coach
Mike Gundy. I'm not sure if you heard, but he's a man...and he's 40! Beyond that, this song is really good and has a fantastic bridge.
Bonus points: "...are you...okay?"

7. "I'm Not Who I Was"
Brandon Heath
(Album: Don't Get Comfortabl
I'll say it...I like CCM (Contemporary
Christian Music). When it's done right (which isn't often), it has the power to be both moving and soothing. Brandon Heath did it right with his breakthrough single, which plays out as a letter of forgiveness. The song stays mellow throughout and doesn't really go anywhere, but succeeds powerfully in getting its message across.
Bonus points: "...(pause) Hellllooo."

6. "Past in Present"
(Album: The Reminder)

"Past in Present" recently overtook "I Feel It All" as the most consistently listenable track on this album for me. The Reminder is, frankly, solid all the way around, but there's no denying this toe-tapper.
Bonus points: Double claps!

5. "Fake Empire"

The National
My buddy Luke once wrote a blog highlighting how certain bands are good at composing certain parts of songs. He gave the title of "Best Outro" to the Kings of Convenience (see: "Misread" and "Love is No Big Truth"). This song, off the critically-adored Boxer, builds throughout the tune, before melding a fantastic KOC-esque outro with Sufjan Stevens' sweeping horn arrangements to create two of my favorite musical minutes of the year.
Bonus points: ...when the drumming kicks in after the initial verse + piano.

4. "Finer Feelings"

Let's give it up to Spoon for producing an eminently listenable and fun "indie" album (horrible title aside). This, my friends, is a friggin' POP song, with ironic lyrics to match. Good times.
Bonus points: Hand claps!

3. "Keep the Car Running"
Arcade Fire
The number of people who have told me that Arcade Fire is the best live band in the world is amazingly high. Thus, I was prettay excited when they showed up on SNL early in the year to perform some new tunes off Neon Bible. After seeing them open with a decent, but underwhelming version of "Intervention," I was left a bit disappointed. Then they came out for their second tune, performed this one, and blew me away. Great melody, dance-able rhythm, and a semi-fun sounding tune on an otherwise morose, albeit enjoyable, album.
Bonus points: Anytime there's a group of 3 or more people singing "OHHH OHHH" in unison, I'm IN.

2. "Noticed"
Mute Math
YOUYAH! Full disclosure: I bought this album at the recommendation of's Sportsguy, Bill Simmons. Then John Mayer recommended Mute Math, calling their self-titled debut LP "the album that will take me through the rest of the year."
Even though I like both of those guys, I went in to this album wanting NOT to like it. Cue "Noticed," and I was in. It was this song that caused me to explore Mute Math's album a bit further, which led me to see their live show in September. After seeing back-to-back Kings of Leon shows to end the summer, I wouldn't have thought any band could reasonably challenge KOL for the title of "Best Live Show Ando Saw in 2007," but these guys put on an INSANE show that could best be described as "friggin CHAOS", and really made the vote close. Well played, Mute of the major highlights of 2007. Also, "Noticed" is the best running song released in 2007, in my humble opinion.
Bonus points: For (i) the underlying Christian undertones, (ii) the use of the keytar, and (iii) seriously, did I mention the live show?!?

1. "Arizona"
Kings of Leon
Simply put...the best song off the best album of the year from the best live band I saw in 2007. Seriously, if you don't like this song, we probably shouldn't be friends. Maybe I have a soft spot for anything that involves my home state of Arizona, but this song evokes the feeling of driving through the desert on a warm, dark favorite thing to do in the world. Solid gold, KOL.
Bonus points: "She must be plum crazy. I kinda think I like her. I kinda think I do."